Window 10 IoT Core & Raspberry PI 3- HelloWorld Apps

Exploring how to run & deploy the hello world application into the window 10 IoT Core using raspberry pi 3

Exploring how to run & deploy the hello world application into the window 10 IoT Core using raspberry pi 3

In this blog, exploring how to run & deploy the hello world application into the window 10 IoT Core using raspberry pi 3

  • Open the IoT Core Dashboard & select Try some samples
  • Select hello-world program & select your device in dropdown Lists 

1.Enter your device credentials

2.Click Deploy & Run Button

  • Once done the deployment you can see the running application over the application & portal
  • Select Apps & click Apps manager. It will list all the apps name
  • Currently HelloWorld Application is running. You can more option in the actions list
  • Select uninstall. You confirm uninstall in the popup. The application will be removed from IoT device