Microsoft Azure is providing cloud-based SQL Server. It can quickly scale up or down on database size as business needs.
In this blog, we can understand about how to create SQL Server in Microsoft Azure portal and using with visual studio code
Let’s get started
Create Azure SQL Server:
Login your azure portal Then click on create a resource in left side menu

You want to enter valid data base name, subscription, Resource group & I am selecting black database. We must configure about server name & login credentials so that we can access over any of the tools & source.

Next configuring price tier. It will change as business criteria. Recently Microsoft is provided some advanced option for compute generation following the cost.

Once competed these setups then you can ready to use the Azure SQL Server

Before connecting server, we must Set Server Firewall.

Allow access to Azure services select ON. Now it will show current IP Address & Added to the role tables. You can allow the grand access permission to some IP as address.
Using with Visual Studio Code:
You will download VS Code from here. Open VS code Editor. Then go to Extension tab find the SQL & Install 1st one of SQL Server (mssql)

After that click F1 to connect the Azure SQL Server it will ask server name, Database & login. Finally enter profile name to connect

In there I have receive this connection error

So that I reset the Azure SQL Server Firewall. This time increase the IP Address range.

Now my Azure SQL Server Connection has been established

Then just run the sample query for testing

We can monitor our resource Utilization

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