In this blog, I will demonstrate how to convert string into table list the dynamically using MS-SQL user define function.
Create a function:
When we start programming in any language, mostly we use loop & every time to hit server side code for list data. This function helpful to reduce our server side code & increase application performance.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[UF_StrToTable] ( @String VARCHAR(MAX),@Delimiter CHAR(1))RETURNS @Temptable TABLE (Result VARCHAR(8000)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @INDEX int , @SLICE VARCHAR(8000) SELECT @INDEX = 1 IF LEN(@String)<1 OR @String IS NULL return WHILE @INDEX!= 0 BEGIN SET @INDEX = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String) IF @INDEX!=0 BEGIN SET @SLICE = LEFT(@String,@INDEX - 1) END ELSE BEGIN SET @SLICE = @String END IF(LEN(@SLICE)>0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Temptable(Result) VALUES(@SLICE) END SET @String = RIGHT(@String,LEN(@String) - @INDEX) IF LEN(@String) = 0 break END RETURN END
We can send the list as a string, it converts against as a list of rows.
SELECT Result FROM DBO.UF_StrToTable('1,2,3,4,5',',')
Run the above Query in sql server & see the result
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